Does your dog aggressively lunge at skateboards, bikes, children and other dogs on your walk? Or, does your dog want to pull to say hi to every person they see?
This is leash reactivity.
Leash Aggression and Reactivity Rehabilitation
Leash aggression and reactivity is a common problem many dog owners encounter. Many dogs tend to lunge, bark, and bear their teeth at skateboards, bikes, children, or other dogs. Rather than believing the myth your dog is bad or mean, it is more likely that your dog is fearful. Barking and lunging are a way of making these fearful things go away. Perhaps this could also be a prey-driven behavior.
As a dog trainer, I can be your coach in helping you rehabilitate your dog through positive reinforcement. I will also give you the tools you need to not react in a panic when your dog does go bonkers.
Inquire here. I will get back to you within 24 hours.
Reactivity training has three components below and and 4th option.
Initial consultation and interview to find out what’s causing the problem. Sometimes virtual lessons are necessary.
Schedule weekly lessons to help rehabilitate and desensitize your dog while he is on a leash.
Build confidence in your dog so that, once again, you can enjoy your walk.
Consider having me give you a head start on leash training and reactivity, where I can come to your home daily for a few weeks and train the dog for you. I can both walk your dog and begin to modify their leash behavior. After that, I can guide you through the process through weekly lessons when their behavior has become more manageable. More details are here.
Rates are based on the individual dog and how intense his or her behavior is. Please contact me for a quote. Once I get details about your dog’s leash reactivity, I can better come up with an estimate.
Contact Me
Please click the link below to fill out the form. I will get back to you within 24 hours.
Note: If you are inquiring about service dog training, go to my service dog page, read the page carefully and fill out the contact form there.